Cinemanyak Rating: 9.0/10
IMDB Rating: 8.6/10
Tomatometer: 94%
Rotten Tomatoes Critics' Rating: 8.3/10
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Awards and Accomplishments:
Best Picture, 2008 Oscar Awards
Best Direction, 2008 Oscar Awards
Best Supporting Actor (Javie Bardem), 2008 Oscar Awards
Best Adapted Screenplay, 2008 Oscar Awards
Nominated for Best Cinematography, 2008 Oscar Awards
Nominated for Palm D'or, 2007 Cannes Film Festival
Nominated for Best Picture, 2008 Golden Globes
Nominated for Best Director, 2008 Golden Globes
Best Supporting Actor, 2008 Golden Globes
Best Adapted Screenplay, 2008 Screen Golden Globes
Outstanding Cast Performance, 2008 Screen Actors Guild Awards
The Oscar Best Picture for 2007.
No Country for Old Men is extraordinary. It even touched the line of weirdness. It feels like seeing Tarantino and Hitchcock in the same movie.
This is not your typical Oscar Best Picture. It is not an epic, neither your common dysfunctional film. It is dark and gloomy. But i personally find it uplifting, not because of its story or its plot. Its uplifting because it shows you how film making can be done with so much art. No Country stands out amidst the chaos of conventional Hollywood films. It's so refreshing to see.
Instead of going through each element in the film, I would like to write what I find interesting in No Country:
1) It's ok NOT to explain everything -- they even bothered to explain why those men were killed. Or who owns the money. The point is a psychopath wants to get that suitcase, and he would kill anyone who will prevent him from that. Forget the "why". Just hug the suspense and enjoy.
2) Acting is very important -- without the proper actors, No Country would look like Friday the 13!
3) End with a punch -- start a debate right after the film, even during the credits. A lot of eyebrows went up right after the abrupt ending of No Country. But hey, that made it so memorable. And i'll go back to point #1: know where to focus and be single-minded. Focus on the essentials and prevent too much side story. A film should not always cover a whole lifetime, know what point in a character's life you want to start -- and end -- your storytelling.
4) Hold the suspense -- i was literally covering my eyes with pillows in some scenes. This is how the film was able to hold the suspense. Without the Coen brothers' skill in directing, No Country will be a film full of non-sense. The way the film glues you in your seat is its strength (and it may be the reason why it won Best Direction and Best Picture).
No Country For Old Men is not an easy film to watch or appreciate. If ever you do watch it, remember that it is an art film. It must be seen with an open mind.